Sep 27, 2023
It’s been 5 days. 5 days since my life changed and I no longer have a sidekick. 5 days since I had to say goodbye. 5 days of torture. 5...
Thoughts of a 23 year old woman
- Zoee Arrington
”If you are more fortunate than others, Build a longer table not a taller fence.”
― Simone Weil
A new, wanna be, blogger... Don't come at me.
I want this to be a fun place for me to share my experience and thoughts about life, as life goes.
I'm not sure what I want for my future, for my life, or even for this blog really. However, I do know I want to make the world a better place and create true happiness for myself. As I navigate that, I thought this would be a fun, creative outlet for me since I am a recent graduate from college... If nothing else I think it would be nice to have something to look back on.
Talk to me! What do you want to know more about?